Set free your hands,just a step for water out.
脚踏阀的一般特点: 方便、卫生、美观、节水效果明显和安装方便,(脚踏阀,顾名思义,是用脚来控制水流的,避免了人的交叉污染,可以减少出水区的占用面积,显得大方、美观;脚踏阀本身就是按照耐用性的思路来设计,除非人为破坏,耐用性好,节水效果明显,例如;我们用一般水龙头,使用中还有一个开和关的过程,脚踏阀就是,随踩随开,随抬随关。)
General characteristics of pedaled valves:They are convenient, sanitary, handsome, saving water, convenient to install.
适用范围:由于具有卫生、节水效果明显等特点,适合于我们家庭使用,也适用于学校、车站、医院、工厂 、饭店等公共场所。 Suitable locations: They are hygienic to prevent the spread of bacterium, remarkable in saving water, and convenient to install, so they are applicable to our families and public places such as schools, bus stations, hospitals, factories, hotels, ECT.
长踏板脚踏阀特点:除具有脚踏阀的一般特点外,还具有造型美观大方、控制灵敏等特点。 (长踏板设计的造型显得“游刃有余”随踏随开,随抬随关,灵敏性很高。)
Characteristics of long pedaled valves: except having the general characteristics of pedaled valves they are slinky, sensitive and generous.
冷热混合设计特点:具有随意调节温度和避免热量损失的效果,( 在出水设计上配有调节出水温度,水流止回功能的恒温调节器-止回阀,使冷热水互不相遇,避免热水回流到冷水管内而致使热量损失,出水达不到所需温度的事情发生。)
The characteristics of the cold and hot water design: We can accommodate the temperature of the water and avoid losing quantity of heat, check valve.